Walking Dumbbell Lunge

Walking Dumbbell Lunge
Target Muscle:
Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and hold a pair of dumbbells at your sides. With an upright posture, tight abs and looking straight ahead, take a large step forward with one leg and lunge down until the opposite knee nearly touches the floor.

Once you reach the bottom position, drive your body back up into a standing position and immediately step forward with the opposite leg, performing the same movement on that side.

Continue alternating between each leg in a walking motion for your desired number of reps.
- Do not allow your knee to travel past your toe on the lunging leg, as doing so can place undo stress on the knee joint.

- Focus on pressing yourself up using your heel rather than your toes, as this will also help to minimize knee stress.

- Do not allow your knee to collapse inward on the lunging leg. If it does tend to naturally collapse, consciously think about pressing it outward on each rep.