45 Degree Leg Press

45 Degree Leg Press
Target Muscle:
45 Degree Leg Press Machine
Sit down in the leg press machine and adjust the back pad so that your upper legs and torso form a 90 degree angle.

Position your feet about shoulder-width apart with your toes slightly pointed outward. How high or low you place your feet will depend on your individual body structure. Your goal should be to find a height that causes your knees to form a 90 degree angle in the bottom position of each rep when your upper legs are perpendicular to the floor.

Press the platform forward, remove the stoppers, and firmly grab onto the handles for support. Lower the platform down until your upper legs are perpendicular to the floor or just slightly further, and then press it back up again until your knees are just short of being locked out.

Complete your desired number of reps and then put the stoppers back in place.
- Make sure to press the weight up using your heels rather than your toes, as this will minimize the stress on your knee joints.

- Lower the weight as far down as you comfortably can while still maintaining full tension on your quads at all times, but no lower. If you go past this point then your lower back will begin to take over which minimizes the effectiveness of the lift and can also put you at risk for injury.

- Your lower back should always remain firmly planted against the seat and should never raise upward. You can consciously pull on the handles throughout the exercise in order to keep your butt and lower back properly in place.

- Do not allow your knees to collapse inward throughout the exercise. If they do tend to naturally collapse, consciously think about spreading them outward as you press the weight up.

- Experiment with different foot positionings until you find the one that best suits your individual body structure and allows you to maximize the stress on your quads while still pressing through your heels.

- Stop each rep just short of locking out your knees, as this will allow you to maintain maximum tension on the quads without any rest.

- Never place your hands on your knees. They should be firmly grasping the handles at all times.