Leg Press Calf Raise

Leg Press Calf Raise
Target Muscle:
Leg Press Machine
Secure your body into the leg press machine and place the balls of your feet on the bottom of the platform. If necessary, push the weight up and remove the stoppers. Space your feet 1-2 inches outside of shoulder width.

With your heels hanging off the edge and with a very slight bend in your knees, push the weight up by pointing your toes forward until your calves are fully contracted.

Pause briefly at the top and then return the weight back to the starting position.
- As you press the weight up, focus on pushing it with your big toe rather than the entire front of your foot. This will prevent your feet from rolling outward and will maximize calf stimulation.

- To direct as much tension onto the calves as possible, use the following rep cadence: press the platform up as hard and fast as you can in proper form… pause in the top position for 1 full second… lower it in 4-5 seconds… and pause in the bottom position for 2 seconds. This cadence will minimize momentum and prevent the achilles tendon from taking over the work.

- Keep only a very slight bend in your knees to take pressure off of your knee joints. Don't bend them excessively though or this will direct the stress away from the gastrocnemius (the large head of the calf muscle where most of the mass is located) and onto the smaller soleus head.

- This exercise can also be performed on a horizontal seated leg press if you find it more comfortable or if you don't have access to a 45 degree leg press.