Standing One-Arm Cable Curl

Standing One-Arm Cable Curl
Target Muscle:
Cable Machine, Single-Hand Attachment
Using a single-hand attachment, place the pulley at the very bottom of the cable machine.

Stand facing away from the machine, grab the handle and take a small step forward so that the resistance is pulling slightly back on your arm in the starting position.

Place your opposite hand on your waist for support, and with your knees slightly bent, curl the cable up until you feel a full contraction in your bicep.

Pause briefly at the top and lower the weight back down following the same path.
- Do not allow your elbow to excessively drift forward as you curl the weight up as this directs the tension off of the biceps and onto the front delts.

- Do not curl the weight so high up that the tension leaves the biceps. Simply curl the weight to the point where you feel a full contraction in your biceps and then stop there and let the weight back down.

- Keep your elbow pinned at your side throughout the entire movement and do not allow it to flare outward.

- Keep your wrist aligned in a neutral or slightly extended position. If you flex your wrist during the curling movement it directs more stress onto the forearm.

- In order to get a full stretch in the bicep and utilize the largest range of motion possible, flex your tricep at the bottom of each rep.

- Do not allow your torso to sway backward on this exercise. Keep your body either upright or very slightly bent forward.