Incline Dumbbell Curl

Incline Dumbbell Curl
Target Muscle:
Incline Bench, Dumbbells
Adjust an incline bench at roughly a 45 degree angle and hold a pair of dumbbells at your sides with your palms facing up.

Curl the dumbbells up until you feel a full contraction in your biceps, pause briefly at the top, and then lower them back down to the starting position.
- Do not allow your elbows to excessively drift forward as you curl the weight up as this directs the tension off of the biceps and onto the front delts.

- Do not curl the weight so high up that the tension leaves the biceps. Simply curl the weight to the point where you feel a full contraction in your biceps and then stop there and let the weight back down.

- Keep your elbows pinned at your sides throughout the entire movement and do not allow them to flare outward.

- Keep your wrists aligned in a neutral or slightly extended position. If you flex your wrists during the curling movement it directs more stress onto the forearms.

- In order to get a full stretch in the biceps and utilize the largest range of motion possible, flex your triceps at the bottom of each rep.