Lat Pull-In

Lat Pull-In
Target Muscle:
Back (Lats)
Cable Machine, Flat Bench
Place a flat bench (or a box that you can sit on) a few feet away from a cable machine and set a single pulley attachment as high up as you can.

Sit on the bench and extend your arm directly to your side at roughly a 45 degree angle and grab the attachment using an underhand grip.

Tilt your upper body slightly in the direction of the machine and then pull the resistance inward toward your side until you feel a strong contraction in your lats. Raise the cable back up following the same path and repeat.
- In order to maximize the tension on your lats rather than your biceps and shoulders, focus on pulling the cable down using your elbow rather than your hand. Imagine that your hand and forearm don’t even exist, and just place 100% of your focus on driving the weight down using your elbows.

- To increase the activation of your lats even further, you can use a set of lifting straps or lifting hooks to fully eliminate your grip from the equation.