Swiss Ball Plank

Swiss Ball Plank
Target Muscle:
Swiss Ball
Rest your elbows on a large Swiss ball and get yourself into a prone position, supporting your weight on your toes and forearms.

Your arms should be bent at a 90 degree angle with your elbows directly beneath your shoulders.Your entire body should form a straight line from your head to your ankles.

Contract your abs hard, keep your entire body tight, and hold this position for the prescribed time frame.
- The difficulty of the exercise can be increased by narrowing up your stance or by positioning your elbows further forward.

- Make sure to maintain a neutral neck position and do not allow your head to move up or down.

- Don't allow your hips to drop or your knees to bend. Keeping your glutes contracted will help to prevent this from happening.

- Ensure that your upper back does not round over by keeping your shoulders positioned down and back at all times.