I am completely and totally aware, absorbed and present to the moment. The ever-present space of Now is all that exists and IS life itself, so I always pay full attention to it and appreciate it.

I love and accept myself deeply, completely and unconditionally.

I am completely accepting of and have a positive attitude towards everyone.

I am completely accepting of and have a positive attitude towards all events and circumstances that are happening in the present moment. I accept everything within the space.

I am in a state of deep gratitude for my existence and everything within it. I am grateful for my mental and physical health and that my body and my senses are all of sound function. I am grateful that I have clean water, food, shelter, clothing, friends, family and live in a beautiful, free, peaceful area of the world rich with abundance and opportunity.

I always follow my highest excitement and curiosity in every single moment with zero concern or expectation of the outcome, and live a life that is in alignment with my deepest desires and values.

I love being exactly who I am. I am a unique individual, and there is no one I would rather be other than myself.

I express my unique personality to others freely, openly and naturally.

I always look for the good in all people. I see myself in everyone and everything.

I maintain a positive, optimistic mindset at all times. 

I am full of energy and am passionate about life.

I walk around with a permanent sense of joy, relaxation, gratitude and openness.

My mind is incredibly strong and is capable of handling anything.

I maintain complete, disciplined control of my thoughts at all times and carefully direct them in the way that best serves myself and those around me.

I value every single moment and spend my time wisely.

I am playful, relaxed and easy going.

I enjoy making other people feel special.

I love making people laugh.

I radiate positive energy and always focus on providing value to everyone I come into contact with throughout the day.

I am resourceful, ambitious, well rounded and have a wide range of skills and talents.

I am intelligent and knowledgeable.

I am a kind, understanding and empathetic person.

I am funny, quick-witted and can make other people laugh easily and effortlessly.

I am strong, fast and athletic.

I am physically attractive, fit and healthy.

I am musically talented and am a skilled singer and guitarist.

I am a successful entrepreneur.

I am socially skilled and adaptable.

I am a natural leader, and am highly respected by all men and women.

People look to me as a source of guidance, because I am an intelligent and resourceful person.

I am completely in charge of my life and can achieve anything I want.

No one is smarter than me, and I fully trust in my own judgements and perceptions about the world.

I lead an active, busy, exciting life. My days are filled with a wide range of activities that make me a valuable, skilled, well rounded and interesting person.

I workout intensely through weight training, cardio and stretching, eat a healthy diet, earn a 6 figure income providing massive value to others, do yoga every night, volunteer at the hospital, play in a sports league, read every day, meditate, strengthen my mind, expand my knowledge/opinions/preferences, continually learn new skills and abilities, maintain a close relationship with my family, and have an abundant, outgoing social life full of good friends, attractive women and fulfilling experiences.

I interact with everyone in a totally natural, uninhibited way.

I enjoy talking and interacting with people, because it is fun and interesting.

Every time I express myself freely to another person by acting exactly how I want to act and saying exactly what I want to say, it makes me feel good, and makes them feel good.

Everything I say is interesting purely because I think it is interesting. Every joke I make is funny purely because I think it is funny.

Everything I say is valuable purely because it comes from me.

The goal of every social interaction is to have fun and feel good.

The goal is every social interaction is to be as real and authentic as possible. To communicate to the deeper human side of each individual rather than to the surface level conditioning.

I am always eager to confidently share myself with everyone I come into contact with.

My presence is a positive experience for everyone, and my influence directly improves other people’s lives.

I feel completely calm and at ease in every social situation.

I treat everyone as if they were my best friend and as if I have known them for years.

In every social interaction, I am the leader.

I always say exactly what I feel like saying. I always act exactly how I feel like acting.

I am a skilled communicator.

I have strong personal magnetism.

People are naturally drawn to my authenticity, confidence and playful energy.

No matter what I say, it is always the perfect thing to say at the perfect time.

Every word flows out of me automatically and effortlessly.

In every social interaction, 100% of my focus and attention is placed on what I am observing in front of me.

People love speaking to me and interacting with me. They intuitively know that I am a highly valuable individual, and they want to align themselves with me.

I am genuinely interested in other people.

I enjoy listening to what people have to say, and I enjoy observing their body language and energy.

I find it easy to meet people and make new friends.

I have a large group full of friends that I genuinely care about and enjoy being around. Every single morning, afternoon, evening and night I have multiple options for good friends to spend time with and fun things to do.

I have a very close and loving relationship with my dad, mom and brother. I recognize that they are the 3 most important people in my life. I honour the time that I have with them, for it is limited and will not last forever. I maintain contact with my grandpa and grandma, and speak to them on the phone every few weeks.

I feel curious about every person I meet.

I speak in a calm, deep, controlled tone of voice.

I maintain strong eye contact at all times.

I move in a slow and relaxed way.

My posture radiates confidence and self-assurance.

Every time I see a female that I find attractive or interesting, I automatically speak to her in a natural and effortless way. I do this easily and naturally, because it is fun, makes me feel good, and makes her feel good.

I love women and appreciate their beauty and energy.

I freely and openly express my sexual interest in the women I speak to, because it is the natural thing to do, and because it feels good.

Every time I speak to a woman, I am making her feel good about herself. My words and actions make her feel attractive and desired.

I am naturally attractive to women simply because I am who I am. My presence and innate masculine energy is sexually attractive to her in and of itself. There is nothing that I have to do in order to become attractive. The fact that I am an intelligent, resourceful, caring, physically strong, healthy male and capable animal is highly attractive on its own. 

I deserve beautiful women, and they come to me effortlessly and naturally. They are all my girls.

There are 3 attractive girls that I regularly spend time with and who I genuinely enjoy being around. We have strong natural chemistry, great conversation, a great sexual connection, are totally open and comfortable with eachother, and our relationships are light hearted and playful. I am completely open, honest and respectful with them.

I am completely sexually confident and am in a state of total sexual abundance.

I lead without hesitation, for I trust in my natural instincts and in my ability to make effective decisions for myself and others.

Any time I am alone with a woman, I am completely comfortable leading the interaction in a sexual direction.

I am easily able to sexually satisfy any woman at any time without effort, because it is naturally hard-wired into me to do so.

I have a healthy, powerful cock that women are uncontrollably attracted to.

Women love my cock.

I spend time and effort improving the size, strength and conditioning of my cock, as well as my sexual knowledge and abilities, so Iknow that I am more sexually valuable to women than most other men.

I have zero concern about when and how I orgasm during sex or foreplay. No matter what happens, it is completely and totally natural, and she will be fully sexually satisfied once it is all over.  

When I have sex with any girl, I am completely free, uninhibited, relaxed and immersed in the enjoyment of the moment.

I am totally at ease during sex, and allow my natural sexual impulses to express themselves without fear or judgement.

Sex is fun, natural and is no big deal.

I have an attractive, lean, muscular, strong body that is perfectly aligned, flexible, healthy, energetic, tanned, well groomed and injury free.

I love working out, exercising and eating healthy foods because it gives me a strong feeling of energy and aliveness, allows me to maintain my attractive physique, heals my body and places me into a focused, super-charged state for the day.

I dress in a way that is unique and fashionable but that suits my personality and makes me feel congruent.

I earn money by providing honest information and products that deliver massive value to others. My job is congruent to who I am and is directly in line with my core values. I am an ambitious and driven entrepreneur.

I love and am deeply grateful for the type of work that I do, as it affords me massive amounts of freedom to do what I want, whenever I want, allows me to work on my own terms without a boss of any kind, and gives me complete control over my financial destiny.

I earn $100,000 per year in net profits. I earn this money knowing that every dollar was justly earned and that the value my customers receive it worth exponentially more than what they paid me. My income is directly proportional to the total sum value that I provide to other people, and since I focus on providing as much value as possible, financial abundance is an inevitable outcome.

I live in a home that makes me feel comfortable, cozy and that feels congruent to me as a person. My place contains things that meet my basic needs and that make me feel good, but does not contain any unnecessary excess that I don’t truly need. I drive a car that feels congruent to me and that I enjoy driving.

I have at least $30,000 in disposable income in my savings account at all times. I can do anything I reasonably want to do at any time without any financial worries.

Because of the endless freedom my work provides to me, the value that it delivers to other people, and the awesome financial opportunities it delivers, I truly enjoy the focused 4-6 hours of work that I put in every single day. Whenever I sit down to work, I always place 100% of my effort on delivering as much genuine value to as many people as possible with the time that I have.

I lead a fun, exciting, meaningful life full of experiences that provide enjoyment and significance for myself and others. I spend my time doing things that I genuinely love, things that contribute massive value to others, and things that, while they may produce initial fear, produce long term gain and allow me to continually grow, expand and fulfill my potential as a human being.

My main focus in life is on developing meaningful relationships, delivering value to other people, and cultivating meaningful experiences.

(( anything else ))